Brief Background 

The Revista Brasileira de Literatura Comparada (Brazilian Journal of Comparative Literature) began publication in 1991, when, under the management of the Brazilian Association of Comparative Literature (ABRALIC), chaired by Professor Eneida Maria de Souza, the Association's Bulletin, titled *Contraponto*, was transformed into the current journal. Initially published with varying periodicity, starting in 2006 the journal began publishing two issues per year, and in 2017, it began publishing three issues annually without interruption. In 2024, the RBLC adopted continuous publication, with articles being published simultaneously on SciELO. Readers can access all published issues of the journal online through its website. 

The publication of RBLC is the responsibility of ABRALIC, a civil, non-profit cultural entity whose goal is to promote comparative studies in the Brazilian and international academic communities. The journal represents, in Brazil, a tradition inaugurated by the Revue de Littérature Comparée, founded in 1921, and, along with other similar publications such as Comparative Literature (USA), established in 1949, ensures the continuation of the international debate on Comparative Literature that began in the first half of the 19th century in Europe. The cosmopolitan and interdisciplinary nature of comparative studies fosters exchange among researchers from various fields of knowledge, different literary traditions, and distinct symbolic systems. Over its 33 years of existence, the journal has published articles, interviews, and reviews by renowned national and international scholars, creating an important archive of high-quality analyses of works from the cultural heritage of all regions of the world. The openness that has always characterized Comparative Literature allows for the incorporation of new theories circulating in both Brazilian and international contexts into the articles published in the journal, contributing to the construction of a history of the theoretical-methodological transformations in literary studies from the late 20th century onward, through the reading of its archive. 

The Editorial Board of RBLC varies according to the composition of the Board of Directors of the Brazilian Association of Comparative Literature, which is elected every two years. 

RBLC has been evaluated as QUALIS A-1 by Qualis-Periódico.


Open Science Compliance 

The RBLC follows the Gold Open Access model.   

Assuming that open science is the best approach for democratizing access to knowledge and that knowledge is built collectively, RBLC ensures that all interested parties can search, read, download, copy, and disseminate published articles without restrictions or prior permission from the authors or journal editors, provided the use is lawful. When utilizing published materials, the sources must be cited, with proper reference to RBLC.  

 At the time of manuscript submission, it is necessary to complete the Submission Form in compliance with Open Science, meeting the criteria stipulated by SciELO.   

Considering that the best scientific work is produced in collaborative contexts involving the exchange of ideas, the journal accepts manuscripts submitted as preprints. This option allows authors to accelerate the dissemination of their research findings and refine their work through feedback and contributions from readers, enabling revisions before publication in the journal. If opting for a preprint submission, either simultaneously or later with RBLC, authors must deposit the manuscript exclusively in the SciELO Preprints server and provide the server's name and the preprint DOI in the appropriate field of the Submission Form in compliance with Open Science.   

The submitted work must be still unpublished, whether in print or electronic formats, except for those made available in the SciELO preprints repository, and simultaneous submission to another journal for evaluation will not be accepted.   

RBLC employs an informed peer-review system, in which approved manuscripts are published with the identification of the editor responsible for the editorial process. The journal supports blind peer review, with manuscripts sent to two specialists for evaluation in line with its editorial policy. If divergent evaluations occur, the text will be sent for a third review. To promote transparency in the evaluation process and alignment with Open Science practices, authors and reviewers will be consulted on their agreement to publish reviews of approved texts, with or without the reviewers' names. Such reviews may be edited by the journal's editors if deemed necessary.   

RBLC recommends that authors cite, reference, and make available all content (collected data, statistical analysis scripts, program codes, etc.) underlying the manuscript prior to or during submission, except in cases of legal or ethical impediments. Information regarding the availability of research data is included in the  Submission Form in compliance with Open Science, which is essential for the manuscript's evaluation.  


Ethics in Publication 

The Revista Brasileira de Literatura Comparada (RBLC) prioritizes ethical conduct in its practices, following the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and the Guidelines on Best Practices for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publication.   

Responsibilities of Authors 

By submitting articles to the journal, authors automatically declare that the content of their articles is original and unpublished, except for texts published as preprints, which must be disclosed in the  Submission Form in compliance with Open Science. Authors also declare that the article has not been published, in its entirety or in part, in another journal, even in a different language, nor is it being simultaneously submitted to another journal.  Additionally, authors are committed to notifying the journal of any errors or inaccuracies they identify in their work (whether published, under review, or in production) and collaborating with the editors to issue appropriate retractions or corrections.   

Authors are responsible for the content of their articles, including copyright for images and supplementary textual or graphic elements included in their work.   

To ensure an editorial policy aligned with good academic practice, avoiding plagiarism, ethical violations, fraud, and potential legal disputes, RBLC recommends that authors follow these steps before submission:   

  • Consult the COPE website to familiarize themselves with the ethical principles outlined there.  
  • Properly reference all data incorporated, analyzed, or interpreted from other publications.  
  • Include as authors only those who participated in all stages of the research and the article's preparation.  
  • Disclose any funding sources for the research underpinning the submitted text.   

If the article is based on research that poses actual risks to participants, a statement from the researcher’s institutional Ethics Committee is mandatory.   

Authors must comply with CNS Resolution No. 674, dated May 6, 2022, concerning the required evaluation by the CEP/Conep System. In cases involving humans in situations not exempted under Article 26 of the resolution, the manuscript must include details of approval by the Ethics Committee (request submission receipt and approval date).   

Responsibilities of the Editorial Board 

It is the responsibility of the Editorial Board to define and ensure the implementation of the guidelines set for the journal, suggesting measures for its improvement whenever necessary; to recommend, when requested, names of experts to provide evaluation reports on articles submitted for publication; to encourage and promote the publication of articles in the journal; and to assist the editors in their work whenever requested. 

Responsibilities of the Editors  

The Editor-in-Chief oversees the implementation of the journal's editorial policy, manages the editorial process, coordinates the Executive Editors and thematic dossier organizers, and communicates with the Editorial Board, article authors, reviewers, indexing platforms, funding agencies, scientific institutions/forums, and the public.  The Editor-in-Chief decides which articles will be published, consulting the Editorial Board and the Executive or Associate Editors when necessary. They are also responsible for addressing ethical complaints.   

Editors strive to prevent malpractice and unethical behavior in article submissions and publication, and plagiarism is not tolerated.   

Editors commit to evaluating submissions objectively based on intellectual content without discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, geographic origin, or political beliefs. They ensure confidentiality during the evaluation process and for rejected manuscripts. Articles will only be discussed with third parties with the editors’ authorization.   

Editors may not use unpublished material from submitted manuscripts for their research. They must decline to review works if conflicts of interest arise from competitiveness, collaboration, or personal relationships with the authors.  

All articles initially undergo screening by the editors to ensure that all required items have been included. Next, it is assessed whether the article falls within the scope of the journal. If so, the articles are checked for duplication with previously published texts and for plagiarism using the Turnitin© system. 

All articles undergo double-blind peer review, though authors and reviewers may agree to an open peer-review process.   

Editors ensure all authors review and accept responsibility for their manuscript’s content, with each author’s contribution noted at the end of the text.  

Responsibilities of Reviewers 

Reviewers’ reports should be as objective as possible, with sufficient detail to support the improvement of the evaluated research and text.   

Reviewers must declare any conflicts of interest in the journal’s system before starting an evaluation.   

Confidentiality must be maintained for all manuscripts under review.   

Reviewers should issue reports promptly and inform the editors immediately if they are unable to review the manuscript or feel unqualified to do so.   

Reviewers must highlight any known text or section previously published without proper citation. They may not use information from manuscripts under review without explicit consent from the authors.   

Ethics and Good Practices in Research

Editors strive to prevent the publication of articles involving research misconduct.  

The RBLC utilizes the Turnitin© system to detect duplication/similarity with previously published texts as part of the preliminary evaluation by the Editors. Additionally, reviewers are instructed to inform the editors of any similarities or duplication with articles already published or simultaneously submitted to other journals. Self-citations are limited to 30% of the total references, and manuscripts derived from dissertations or theses must include this information to avoid being classified as self-plagiarism, ensuring that the texts do not overlap entirely or partially. 

Any allegations of research misconduct are thoroughly investigated.  

In cases where questions arise regarding authorship, the author of the manuscript is initially contacted, and, if necessary, all authors involved. If the issue remains unresolved, the institutions to which the authors are affiliated or that funded the research will be contacted.   

If any doubts or concerns arise regarding the inclusion of citations and their respective references, the editors will contact the author(s) requesting the submission of the cited document.   

During the evaluation process, if reviewers or referees identify an excessive number of self-citations by the authors and/or the journal, the author(s) will be contacted to provide clarification and resolve the issue.   

The journal is always willing to publish corrections, clarifications, rights of reply, errata, retractions, and apologies when any misconduct is identified, in accordance with Guidelines on Best Practices for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publication

Copyright and Universal Access Rights  

The licensing terms used by RBLC are described on its website.  

The journal does not charge fees for submission, evaluation, or publication.   

All articles are freely accessible, requiring no registration or passwords.  


Focus and Scope 

The Revista Brasileira de Literatura Comparada (RBLC) is a scientific journal maintained by the Brazilian Association of Comparative Literature (Associação Brasileira de Literatura Comparada – ABRALIC). Its mission is to publish articles, reviews, interviews, testimonials, and other documents focusing on Comparative Literature. These texts may adopt a national perspective or engage with frameworks that transcend the national, exploring cosmopolitan connections among various literary traditions. The journal accepts article submissions in Portuguese, English, French, Spanish, Galician, Italian, and German and is intended for researchers, professors, students, and others interested in comparative studies. Submissions are accepted exclusively from authors holding a PhD degree, with exceptions made for poets, novelists, or artists invited by the editors to contribute articles.  


Digital Preservation 

RBLC adheres to the digital preservation standards outlined in the SciELO Program Digital Preservation Policy

The journal employs the LOCKSS system to create an archive system shared among participating libraries, allowing them to maintain permanent records of the journal for preservation and restoration purposes. 


Indexing Sources 

The Revista Brasileira de Literatura Comparada is indexed in:  













Capes Periódicos


Bibliographic Journal Information 


  • Journal Title: Revista Brasileira de Literatura Comparada  
  • Abbreviated Title: Rev. Bras. Lit. Comp.  
  • Publisher: Associação Brasileira de Literatura Comparada  
  • Frequency: Annual volume, without a subdivision into individual issues  
  • Publication Mode: Continuous publication  
  • Year of Establishment: 1991  


Websites and Social Media 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/associacaoabralic

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/revistaabralic/

ABRALIC Website: https://www.abralic.org.br/