Submission Conditions

As part of the submission process, authors are required to ensure that their submissions comply with all the following conditions. Submissions that do not meet the standards will be returned to the authors.

  1. The authors of the manuscripts hold a PhD degree, except for poets, novelists, or artists invited by the editors to publish articles, reviews, or interviews.
  2. The submission has never been published and is not under review for publication in another journal (or an explanation has been sent to the editors regarding non-compliance with this item). 
  3. The submitted file is in docx format.
  4. URLs for references are provided when applicable.
  5. The submission does not exceed 10,000 words for articles or 7,000 words for reviews. The text is written in one of the languages accepted by the journal (Portuguese, English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, or Galician), includes the title and abstract in its original language, and those are translated into English and Portuguese. The text uses 1.5 line spacing (except for titles, abstracts, keywords, and indented quotations, which should use 1.0 spacing), employs Times New Roman font, size 12, with no formatting other than underlining, italics, or bold when necessary.
  6. The submission adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements specified on the journal’s website.
  7. Submissions to the peer-reviewed section follow instructions to ensure a double-blind review process. Open review is adopted only when the author and reviewer agree to direct interaction. For this, the author must indicate their preference in the Submission Form in compliance with Open Science, a mandatory document for the manuscript review process.
  8. The content of the published texts is the sole responsibility of the authors.
  9. All authors must disclose the existence or absence of conflicts of interest in the study. Conflicts of interest may arise when an author or institution has relationships of any kind with organizations or individuals that could influence the study in question. Information about conflicts of interest must be included in the Submission Form in compliance with Open Science.
Accepted Document Types
The RBLC accepts submissions of articles, reviews, interviews, testimonials, and other unpublished documents focusing on Comparative Literature. Reviews must present critical reflection, address recently published or reissued books, go beyond mere summaries of the reviewed works, contribute new insights, and establish connections between the reviewed work and other works/authors. References to cited works should be included at the end of the text as usual.
Manuscripts can be submitted in the following languages: Portuguese, English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Galician.
The journal accepts the submission of preprints, provided they are not under review by another journal. Authors choosing to submit a preprint must deposit it either before or simultaneously on the SciELO Preprints server and include its title and URL in the Submission Form in compliance with Open Science.
Authors' Contribution
The manuscript must specify the individual contributions of each author to its development. Credit attribution should follow these criteria:
  • Conception and design of the research, acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of data;
  • Drafting preliminary versions or critically reviewing the intellectual content of the manuscript;
  • Final approval of the version to be published;
  • Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in order to ensure its accuracy and integrity.
Beyond these criteria, acknowledgments may be made for contributions that do not meet the authorship criteria. However, authors must ensure they obtain permission from those individuals before including their names in the acknowledgments.
Manuscript Preparation
RBLC accepts manuscript submissions in the fields of Comparative Literature and Literary Studies, written in Portuguese, English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, or Galician. Only digital files in docx format will be accepted. Manuscripts must contain at least 3,000 words (maximum: 10,000 words for articles and 7,000 for reviews). As an exception to the general rule, editors are authorized to accept shorter or longer manuscripts under specific circumstances. To ensure a double-blind review, the manuscript file must not include any information that could identify the authors, such as names, email addresses, institutional affiliations, research team details, titles of academic work presented, published, or defended, names of supervisors, departments, etc. Any omitted sections can be replaced with the following statement: "Section omitted to preserve double-blind review anonymity."
Submissions must include the title in the original language of the article as well as translation of the title into Portuguese and English, formatted in a docx file using Times New Roman, size 12, with no additional formatting except for:
  • Underlining, italics, and bold;
  • 3 cm margins;
  • 1 cm indentation for the beginning of paragraphs;
  • 1 cm indentation for long quotations;
  • Italics for foreign words and book or journal titles.
Authors are encouraged to minimize the use of footnotes, which should NOT be placed at the end of the text. For in-text citations, include the first letter of the author’s surname in uppercase, followed by the publication year and page number in parentheses (e.g., Araújo, 2019, p. 4-7).
RBLC adheres to ABNT standards for citations and references, with minor editorial style variations permitted.
Open Science Compliance Submission Form
The manuscript must be accompanied by the Submission Form in compliance with Open Science, containing the following information:
  1. Title of the manuscript;
  2. Section in which the manuscript should be published;
  3. Origin of the manuscript, if it is the result of academic work, such as a final course project, dissertation, thesis, or presentation, specifying the title, year of defense, and institution;
  4. Funding institution supporting the research that resulted in the manuscript, if applicable, including the grant or process number;
  5. Name, address, email, phone number, academic degree, and ORCID ID of author(s);
  6. Information on whether the manuscript has been deposited as a preprint, specifying the server and DOI if applicable;
  7. Information on the availability of research data and other materials;
  8. Indication of options regarding openness in the peer review process.
Note: All approved manuscripts, upon final publication in the Revista Brasileira de Literatura Comparada, will receive a Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
Article Submission Format
Title: Manuscripts must include the title in the original language, in English, and in Portuguese.
Cecília Meireles e Gabriela Mistral como leitoras de Rabindranath Tagore: negociações de gênero entre América Latina e Índia
Cecília Meireles and Gabriela Mistral as readers of Rabindranath Tagore: negotiating gender between Latin America and India
Abstract and Keywords: All manuscripts must include an abstract and three to five keywords in their original language, as well as translations into English and Portuguese. The abstract should be presented as a single paragraph, containing 100 to 150 words, in single spacing, and should accurately cover the article's topic, objectives, methodology, and conclusions. Keywords should be in lowercase and separated by semicolons, with a period at the end.
O artigo aborda a influência do escritor bengali Rabindranath Tagore na obra de duas escritoras latino-americanas que faziam parte do movimento Modernista: a chilena Gabriela Mistral, laureada com o Prêmio Nobel de Literatura (1945), e a brasileira Cecília Meireles. Por meio de análises textuais de Gabriela Mistral e Cecília Meireles, argumento que a contribuição de Rabindranath Tagore foi importante para a literatura de mulheres na América Latina no século XX. Ao analisar Gabriela Mistral e Cecília Meireles como escritoras e leitoras, o artigo questiona as distinções entre ambas as práticas culturais, além de mostrar que a América Latina vivenciou, bem antes dos estudos pós-coloniais, o desenvolvimento de uma poética que não somente criticou o paradigma patriarcal, mas também o eurocêntrico.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Gabriela Mistral; Cecília Meireles; Rabindranath Tagore, literatura de mulheres; Sul Global.
The article depicts the influence of the Bengali author Rabindranath Tagore on two Latin American women writers, both part of the Modernist movement: the Chilean Nobel laureate (1945) Gabriela Mistral, and the Brazilian Cecília Meireles. By examining the poetic reflections on Tagore and his influence on Mistral’s and Meireles’ prose and poetry, the article argues that Tagore’s reception was important for women’s writing in 20th century Latin America. In analyzing Mistral and Cecília as writers and readers, I will question the differences between both cultural practices and show that Latin America became the hotspot for the development of a poetics that prior to the advent of postcolonial studies, criticized the patriarchal model, and the Eurocentric perspective of the cultural vanguard.
KEYWORDS: Gabriela Mistral; Cecília Meireles; Rabindranath Tagore; women’s writing; Global South.
Citations and References
The RBLC adheres to ABNT standards for citations and references, with minor editorial style variations permitted:
  • References – Formatting (NBR-6023/2018, Portuguese only);
  • Citations in documents – Presentation (NBR 10520/2002, Portuguese only);
  • Progressive numbering of sections in a written document (NBR-6024/2003, Portuguese only);
  • Abstract – Presentation (NBR 6028/2003, Portuguese only).
The journal adopts the author-date citation system.
Short citations (up to 3 lines) should be included within the main body of the text, enclosed in quotation marks, with the author, date, and page number cited in parentheses before the punctuation. The complete reference should appear in the REFERENCES section.
Consideramos que ainda hoje é válida a ideia de que o trabalho crítico exige uma “autorreflexividade de pensamento, sentimento e ação sobre a própria prática (Collins; Bilge, 2021, p. 86)”. 
When the author’s name is mentioned within the sentence, only the year and page number should appear in parentheses.
No ensaio “Kant and cosmopolitanism”, Nussbaum (2010, p. 27) considera que o cosmopolitismo constitui [...]
Long citations (more than 3 lines) should be presented in indented blocks, without quotation marks, in single spacing. The author, date, and page number should be included in parentheses before the punctuation, with the full reference provided in the REFERENCES section.
O não-lugar da literatura corresponde exatamente à impossibilidade de serem concebidas instâncias dotadas de valor intrínseco ou de caráter essencialista. Por transitar entre discursos e funcionar como referência constante para a construção de objetos teóricos de outras disciplinas, o discurso ficcional está cada vez mais vivo e presente. Resta saber de qual literatura estamos falando e de quais discursos a ela já se integraram. Sem um lúcido diálogo sobre a relação que atualmente se pratica entre os meios de comunicação de massa, a indústria cultural e uma economia de mercado, torna-se impossível delimitar qualquer lugar específico conferido aos discursos, sejam eles literários, científicos, religiosos ou políticos (Souza, 2002, p. 24).
The complete references to the passages that appear above should be formatted as follows:
COLLINS, Patricia Hill; BILGE, Sirma. Intersecionalidade. 1. ed. Tradução de Rane Souza. São Paulo: Boitempo, 2021.
NUSSBAUM, Martha. Kant and cosmopolitanism. In: BROWN, Garrett Wallace; HELD, David (org.). The cosmopolitanism reader (ed.). 1. ed. Malden, MA: Polity Press, 2010, p. 27-44.
SOUZA, Eneida Maria de. Crítica cult. 1. ed. Belo Horizonte: Ed. UFMG, 2002.
Complete references must be provided at the end of the manuscript, in alphabetical order, following the examples below:
REFERENCES (Times New Roman, font size 12)
AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Full name(s) of the author(s). Book title (in italics, only the first letter capitalized): subtitle (not italicized, only the first letter capitalized). Translated by (Translator's Name). Edition. Place: Publisher, year.
Single-author book
ARAÚJO, Nabil. O evento comparatista: da morte da literatura comparada ao nascimento da crítica. 1. ed. Londrina: EdUEL, 2019.
ETTE, Ottmar. Escrever entre mundos: literaturas sem morada fixa. 1. ed. Tradução de Rosani Umbach, Dionei Mathias e Teruco Spengler. Curitiba: EDUFPR, 2018.
Multi-author book
JOBIM, José Luís; SOUZA, Roberto Acízelo de. 2. ed. Portugal segundo o Brasil. Lisboa: Theya, 2017.
MIGNOLO, Walter D.; WALSH, Catherine E. On decoloniality: concepts, analytics, praxis. 1. ed. Durham; Londres: Duke University Press, 2018.
Book with a single editor/organizer
NOLASCO, Edgar Cézar (org.). A literatura comparada no Brasil hoje. 1. ed. Campinas: Pontes, 2022.
HIGONNET, Margaret R. (ed.). Borderwork: feminist engagements with Comparative Literature. 1. ed. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1994.
Book with multiple editors/organizers
COUTINHO, Eduardo F.; CARVALHAL, Tania Franco (org.). 1. ed. Literatura Comparada: textos fundadores. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco, 1994.
DAMROSH, David; MELAS, Natalie; BUTHELEZI, Mbomgseni (ed.). Comparative literature: from the European Enlightenment to the global present. 1. ed. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2009.
Chapter in a Book or Essay in a Collection
LAST NAME, First Name. Chapter title without emphasis. In: LAST NAME OF THE AUTHOR OR EDITOR (ed.). Book Title (in italics, only the first letter capitalized): subtitle (not italicized, only the first letter capitalized). Edition number. Translated by (Translator's Name, if applicable). Place: Publisher, year. p. page range of the chapter.
NUSSBAUM, Martha. Kant and cosmopolitanism. In: BROWN, Garrett Wallace; HELD, David (org.). The cosmopolitanism reader (ed.). 1. ed. Malden, MA: Polity Press, 2010. p. 27-44.
SOUZA, Eneida Maria de. Literatura Comparada, indisciplina. In: SOUZA, Eneida Maria de. Narrativas impuras. Recife: CEPE, 2021. p. 301-312.
Article in a Journal with DOI
AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Full Name of the Author. Article title (without emphasis). Journal Name (in italics), city, volume and issue number, pages, publication date. DOI: xxxxx.
BEIGUI, Alex. Para além do global, da origem e da influência: apontamentos sobre o método da comparação diferencial. Revista Brasileira de Literatura Comparada, [S.l.], v. 26, 2024. DOI:
Article in a Journal without DOI
AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Full Name of the Author. Article title (without emphasis). Journal Name (in italics), city, volume and issue number, pages, publication date. For online publications, include: Available at: provide the link. Accessed on: abbreviated day month year.
PADILHA, Laura Cavalcante. A arte de vestir africanamente brancos manequins. Gragoatá, Niterói, n. 19, p. 29-43, 2 sem. 2005. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 jul. 2024.
Newspaper Article
AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Full Name of the Author. Article title. Newspaper Title, place of publication, year and/or volume number (if available), publication date, section, supplement, or part of the newspaper, location, pages. If there is no section, supplement, or part, the pagination of the article or piece precedes the publication date. Additional elements can be included in the reference for better identification of the document when necessary.
SANTIAGO, Silviano. Anatomia da formação: a literatura brasileira à luz do pós-colonialismo. Folha de S. Paulo, São Paulo, n. 31.203, 7 set. 2014. Caderno Ilustríssima, p. 4-5.
Monographs, Dissertations, and Theses
AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Full Name of the Author. Title (italicized): subtitle. Year. Number of pages or volumes. Type of work (Level and field of study) – Name of the Institute or Department, Name of the University, city, year.
PEREIRA, Breno Fernandes. Crescendo entre nós: ensaio sobre a identidade nacional da criança testemunha de guerra civil. 2021. 212 f. Tese (Doutorado em Literatura e Cultura) – Instituto de Letras, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador, 2021.
Papers Published in Conference Proceedings
AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, First Name (year of publication). Title: subtitle (if applicable) of the presentation. In: EVENT TITLE, number (in Arabic numerals), year, location of the event. Proceedings [...] Place: Publisher, year. Starting and ending page numbers.
HOISEL, Evelina. A imprescindível metodologia da Literatura Comparada. In: XIII CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DA ABRALIC: Internacionalização do Regional, 13, 2013, Campina Grande. Anais [...]. Campina Grande: Editora Realize Abralic, 2013. v. 1. s. p. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 jul. 2024.
Online Publications
AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Full Name of the Author. Title of the document. In: Title of the website. Place, date. Available at: URL. Accessed on: day abbreviated month year.
MONTEIRO, Pedro Meira. O mal-estar no cosmopolitismo. In: Blog da Biblioteca Virtual do Pensamento Social. Rio de Janeiro, 23 maio 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 jul. 2024.
INTERVIEWEE'S LAST NAME, First Name. Title of the interview. Interviewer(s): Name of the Interviewer(s). Journal Title, place of publication, issue volume, issue number, p. (start and end page of the article), month, year of publication. Provide the DOI if available. If no DOI is available and it is an online publication, include: Available at: URL. Accessed on: day abbreviated month year.
APTER, Emily.  Interview with Prof. Dr. Emily Apter. Entrevistadores: Marlova Aseff; Andrei Cunha dos Santos; Gerson Roberto Neumann. Revista Brasileira de Literatura Comparada, [S. l.], v. 24, n. 47, p. 139-150, set./ dez., 2022. DOI: https:// 304x20222447eamaascgrm.
TITLE of the film (First word in uppercase). Director and/or producer. Country of production: Film production company, year of production. Distributor location: Distributor name, date. Format (VHS or DVD) (Duration), color or black & white. Additional optional information.
LAVOURA arcaica. Direção de Luiz Fernando Carvalho. Brasil: Europa Filmes, 2001. DVD (172 min), son., color. Baseada no romance Lavoura arcaica, de Raduan Nassar.
Paintings, Prints, Drawings, Photographs, and Other Images
AUTHOR. Title [italicized. If no title exists, assign one or indicate untitled in brackets]. Date. Specification of the medium.
ESBELL, Jaider, Na Terra sem Males. 2021. Acrílico sobre tela. 100 x 80 cm. Acervo do Centre Pompidou.
Note: Any image will only be reproduced in the article if the corresponding image rights authorization is obtained by the author(s).
Digital Assets
Illustrations accompanying manuscripts must have high resolution. Scanned images, photos, and figures must be at least 300 dpi, and tables and charts should be submitted in an open format.


Supplementary Documents
To contribute to the preservation and reuse of data underlying manuscripts (data and collected information, statistical analysis scripts, program codes, etc.), RBLC recommends that authors make such materials available either prior to or at the time of submission, except in cases of legal or ethical constraints. Authors may also upload supplementary files (data sets, tables, image use authorizations, figures, etc.) that cannot be included in the text. 


Financing Statement
Revista Brasileira de Literatura Comparada
Faculdade de Letras – Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM)
Bloco Mario Ypiranga I
Av. General Rodrigo Octavio Jordão Ramos, 1200 - Coroado I Manaus – AM
CEP: 69067-005
Phone: +55 92 9198-8094
Information updated in November 2024.