
  • José Luís Jobim Universidade Federal Fluminense/ Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro


comparativism in Brazil, history of comparativism, construction of comparables


In Brazil, comparativism between cultures and literatures was already present in literary works that pre-dated the consolidation of Literatura Comparada as a discipline and teachers and researchers of national literature have always resorted to comparativism: comparing writers and works, ways of writing, ways of approaching literary themes and periods etc. In other words, comparativism is not only practised in the discipline of Comparative Literature, but also in other national literature disciplines. In this paper, I will also argue that “comparables” (always in the plural) are not only orientations, as the historian Marcel Detienne believes, but structures that contain at least two different objects, and theories or ideas that relate them to each other.

Author Biography

José Luís Jobim, Universidade Federal Fluminense/ Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

is Full Professor of Literature at the Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil. He was President of the Brazilian Comparative Literature Association and has authored sixteen books and 76 articles in Brazilian and international journals in his thirty-year career. His recent publications in books and journals about literary and cultural circulation include: “Literary and Cultural Circulation” (2018); “Le dialogue Europe-Brésil dans l´oeuvre de Machado de Assis” (2016, with Olinda Kleiman and M. E. Chaves de Mello); “Literatura e cultura: do nacional ao transnacional” (2013); “Literary and Cultural Transfers and Exchanges: From National to Transnational Blocks” (2009); “From Europe to Latin America” (2016, with João Cezar de Castro Rocha); “Literary and Cultural Circulation: Machado de Assis and Théodule-Armand Ribot” (2015); “Ways of Seeing the Past in Literary History” (2014). He has been Visiting Scholar at Stanford University and the Universidad de la Republica (Uruguay), among others. He is Researcher at the CNPq. More can be found at <>.



How to Cite

Jobim, J. L. (2024). NATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LITERATURE: A BRAZILIAN PERSPECTIVE. Revista Brasileira De Literatura Comparada, 21(37), 29–36. Retrieved from




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